Gaaf publications
The publication of the 11th Meeting of the GAAF is now available
The proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the GAAF is now available! Typo-chronology is frequently used in funerary archaeology for dating graves. The method concerns the components which... Read more
The Unhealthy Body: The Care for and Funerary Treatment of the Ill and Infirm across the Ages
This book explores the question of the relationship between past societies and those who suffered from illness and impairment. The 38 contributions that make it up cover a wide chronological breadth,... Read more
Les réouvertures de tombes et la manipulation des ossements (re-opening of the graves)
After burial, the integrity of a grave can be disturbed in many ways, particularly by the intervention of the living. Despite the fact that the management of the burial space can often be responsible... Read more
Rencontre autour de nos aïeux (Our ancestors)
Increasingly, teams are called upon to work on very recent funerary occupations. However, archaeological studies of this chronological field are still marginal and, for some, useless, sometimes... Read more
Rencontre autour des enjeux de la fouille des grands ensembles sépulcraux médiévaux, modernes et contemporains (The issues of excavation of medieval, postmedieval and contemporary cemeteries)
The excavation of large, stratified burial grounds (community or parochial cemeteries) are commonly feared of because technical and financial constraints. However, such cemeteries appear as the most... Read more
Rencontre autour de nouvelles approches de l’archéologie funéraire (New approaches of funerary archaeology)
The new approaches of the funerary archaeology discussed in this book have been defined from both the point of view of the problems and the methods used to answer them. Thanks to a crossed vision of... Read more
Rencontre autour de la mort des tout-petits (The death of little ones)
The birth and the death are the key moments structuring the existence of an individual. This is of course all the more true when the two events are close in time, or when giving birth means also... Read more
Rencontre autour des paysages du cimetière médiéval et moderne (The landscapes of the medieval and postmedieval cemetery)
The medieval cemetery is a functional and collective space, a place of spirituality and of individual and collective memories. Its location, its organisation and its aspect come from the interaction... Read more
Rencontre autour de l’animal (The animal in a funerary context)
The meeting focused on four main topics, questioning the animal presence as a funeral object, within the operating chain, the animal deposit in the funeral system and the representation of the animal... Read more
Rencontre autour du cadavre (The corpse)
Louis-Vincent Thomas wrote that the corpse is “extra-signifiant”. Object and/or subject, it always sparked both fascination and repulsion in the man spirit. To tame death and evade the disorders... Read more
Rencontre autour des sépultures habillées (Clothes in burials)
This Rencontre, held at Carry-le-Rouet (Bouches-du-Rhône) the 13 and 14 November 2008, inaugurated a new cycle of meetings proposed by the Groupe d’anthropologie et d’archéologie funéraire... Read more