The Unhealthy Body: The Care for and Funerary Treatment of the Ill and Infirm across the Ages

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This book explores the question of the relationship between past societies and those who suffered from illness and impairment. The 38 contributions that make it up cover a wide chronological breadth, ranging from later prehistory to the present day. They consider, in turn, the places in which the sick were cared for (hospitals, religious establishments, and leprosaria), the funerary treatment that their corpses received in different periods of the past, the accompanying objects associated with them, as well as the medico-surgical practices that can sometimes be reconstructed from the study of skeletal remains. Focusing on social and funerary considerations, this volume illustrates the diverse behaviors elicited by the ailing and unwell according to time and place, thus contributing to current interests in the social history of care, and support of the ill and infirm in past societies.

Published in : 2021

Directed by :

  • Sacha Kacki
  • Hélène Réveillas
  • Christopher J. Knüsel

Scientific committee : Yann Ardagna (Aix-Marseille Université, UMR 7268 ADES)Joël Blondiaux (Centre d'études paléopathologiques du Nord)Dominique Castex (CNRS, UMR 5199 PACEA)Valérie Delattre (Inrap, UMR 7250 ARTeHIS)Sacha Kacki (CNRS, UMR 5199 PACEA)Christopher J. Knüsel (Université de Bordeaux, UMR 5199 PACEA)Marilyn Nicoud (Université d’Avignon et des pays de Vaucluse, UMR 5648 CIHAM)Hélène Réveillas (Centre archéologie préventive Bordeaux Métropole, UMR 5199 PACEA)Stéfan Tzortzis (SRA PACA, UMR 7268 ADES)Sébastien Villotte (CNRS, UMR 5199 PACEA)Mathieu Vivas (Université de Lille, UMR 8529 IRHiS)Jean Zammit (UMR 5608 TRACES)Aurélie Zemour (LaScArBx, UMR 5607 Ausonius)

Reviewing committee : Yann Ardagna (Aix-Marseille Université, UMR 7268 ADES)Sylvie Balcon-Berry (Sorbonne Université, UMR 8150 Centre André Chastel)Bruno Bizot (SRA PACA, UMR 7268 ADES)Brigitte Boissavit-Camus (Université Paris Ouest - Nanterre La Défense, UMR 7041 ArScAn)Dominique Castex (CNRS, UMR 5199 PACEA)Cécile Chapelain de Seréville-Niel (CNRS, UMR 6273 CRAHAM)Patrice Courtaud (CNRS, UMR 5199 PACEA)Solenn De Larminat (Aix-Marseille Université, UMR 7299 Centre Camille Jullian)Matthieu Gaultier (Sadil, UMR 7423 CITERES)Patrice Georges-Zimermann (Inrap, UMR 5608 TRACES)Sacha Kacki (CNRS, UMR 5199 PACEA)Christopher J. Knüsel (Université de Bordeaux, UMR 5199 PACEA)Juliette Masson (Centre archéologie préventive de Bordeaux Métropole, UMR 5607 Ausonius)Martial Monteil (Université de Nantes, UMR 6566 CReAAH)Jean-Gabriel Pariat (SDAVO, UMR 7206 Éco-anthropologie)Émilie Portat (Direction de l'archéologie de la Ville de Chartres, UMR 7041 ArScAn)Hélène Réveillas (Centre archéologie préventive de Bordeaux Métropole, UMR 5199 PACEA)Rebecca Redfern (Centre for Human Bioarchaeology, Museum of London)Mikael Rouzic (Inrap, UMR 5199 PACEA)François-Olivier Touati (Université de Tours, UMR 7324 CITERES)Stefan Tzortzis (SRA PACA, UMR 7268 ADES)Mathieu Vivas (Université de Lille, UMR 8529 IRHiS)Jean Zammit (UMR 5608 TRACES)

Scientific and financial partners : Ministère de la CultureLabEx des sciences archéologiques de Bordeaux

Number of pages : 322

ISBN / ISSN : 9782954152660

To cite this document : Rencontre autour du corps malade. Prise en charge et traitement funéraire des individus souffrants à travers les siècles, Actes du colloque de Bordeaux, 23-25 mai 2018, publiés sous la direction de Sacha KACKI, Hélène RÉVEILLAS, Christopher J. KNÜSEL ; Xe Rencontre du Gaaf - Publication du Gaaf n°10, 2021

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