Rencontre autour des paysages du cimetière médiéval et moderne (The landscapes of the medieval and postmedieval cemetery)

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The medieval cemetery is a functional and collective space, a place of spirituality and of individual and collective memories. Its location, its organisation and its aspect come from the interaction between these different constitutive elements.

Characterizing and grasping the long story of these landscapes invite the focus on the role and importance of cemeteries within ancient or present societies, as a place of remembrance and as part of heritage in the contemporary landscape.

Over the past twenty years, the knowledge of the landscapes of medieval and post-medieval cemeteries has progressed. By organizing its fifth meeting at the Prieuré Saint Cosme in La Riche, the GAAF wished to take stock of the progress in this field. Presentations and exchanges held between archaeologists, historians and landscape architects on this theme are concretized in this volume published in partnership with the Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France.

Published in : 2015

Directed by :

  • Matthieu Gaultier
  • Anne Dietrich
  • Alexis Corrochano

Reviewing committee : Matthieu GaultierAnne DietrichAlexis CorrochanoChristèle BallutElisabeth LoransBrigitte Boissavit

Scientific and financial partners : Ministère de la Culture et de la CommunicationInrapUMR CITERES LATConseil départemental d'Indre-et-LoireGaaf

NB : The publication is downloadable now

Number of pages : 370

ISBN / ISSN : 978-2-913272-46-0

To cite this document : Matthieu Gaultier, Anne Dietrich et Alexis Corrochano (dir.), 2015 Matthieu Gaultier, Anne Dietrich et Alexis Corrochano (dir.) : Rencontre autour des paysages du cimetière médiéval et moderne. Actes des 5es Rencontres du Groupe d’Anthropologie et d’Archéologie Funéraire, Supplément à la Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France, 60, Publication du Gaaf, n°4, FERACF, GAAF, Tours 2015, 370p.

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