Rencontre autour de la mort des tout-petits (The death of little ones)

The birth and the death are the key moments structuring the existence of an individual. This is of course all the more true when the two events are close in time, or when giving birth means also giving death. Many questions related to very young children have been the starting point of this conference. Which funerary treatment is given to the very young ones? Is it specific to a precise age? To what extent does in utero mortality define the treatment of the body? How did the societies handle those children who died without really being born? From a more pragmatic point of view, how can we estimate age of these archaeological individuals? With which precision and which reliability? What about the location of the graves, the taphonomy, the restitution of decaying environments and funerary architectures, or the grave goods accompanying the dead?
This conference about the death and funerary treatment of the younger ones aimed at being interdisciplinary. It is therefore the world of the small child as a whole that has been explored, calling on research in various disciplines and geographical areas, and in a diachronic way. It is the confrontation of these sources that makes it possible to take the measure of the death of the very young as disruptive element or not of the social environment.
Published in : 2016
Directed by :
- Emilie Portat
- Magali Detante
- Cécile Buquet-Marcon
- Mark Guillon
Scientific committee : Emilie PortatMagali DetanteCécile Buquet-MarconMark Guillon
Reviewing committee : Ilona BedeBruno BizotFrédérique BlaizotCécile Buquet-MarconAlexis CharniguetVéronique DasenMagali DetanteMatthieu GaultierJacques GélisYves GleizeGwenhael GeorgetMark GuillonSacha KackiEmilie PortatJean SoulatWilliam Van AndringaMathieu Vivas
Scientific and financial partners : Ministère de la Culture et de la communicationInrapVille de ChartresGaaf
NB : The volume is now out of print. It is now available as a free download
Number of pages : 342
ISBN / ISSN : 9782954152622
To cite this document : Portat E., Detante M., Buquet-Marcon C., Guillon M. dir. - Rencontre autour de la mort des tout-petits : actes de la 2e Rencontre du Groupe d'Anthropologie et d'Archéologie Funéraire, 3-4 décembre 2009, Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Condé-sur-Noireau : Gaaf, 2016, 342 p. (Publication du Gaaf n° 5)