Les réouvertures de tombes et la manipulation des ossements (re-opening of the graves)

After burial, the integrity of a grave can be disturbed in many ways, particularly by the intervention of the living. Despite the fact that the management of the burial space can often be responsible for these disruptions, it is not the only reason for people to disturb graves. Depending on the place, time and space of burial, the motivations are wide-ranging and not necessarily associated with destruction or offence. Archaeology professionals are therefore regularly confronted with these changes, and their interpretation often highly depend on the conditions of the excavation, the methods used to study the graves as well as the knowledge provided by other types of sources (e. g. written and ethnographic sources).
A multidisciplinary approach was privileged during the conference. Gathered around three themes (grave robbery, management of burial space, and cult practices), archaeologists, physical anthropologists, historians and ethnologists shared their questions, methods and approaches to the issue of grave reopening from the prehistoric period to the present day.
This volume aims to bring together some thirty contributions from these days. It opens the discussion around various practices whose archaeological manifestation is identical: the manipulation of the deceased. What field methodology is applied to these structures? What can we learn from these changes in the societies of the past? What motivations drive the living to reintervene in the graves of their loved ones? These are all questions that French and foreign specialists are now asking themselves.
Published in : 2020
Directed by :
- Astrid A. Noterman
- Mathilde Cervel
Scientific committee : Frédéric Adam (Inrap, UMR 7044 Archimède)Hélène Barrand-Emam (Antea Archéologie, UMR 7044 Archimède)Cécile Chapelain de Seréville-Niel (CNRS, UMR 6273 CRAHAM)Fanny Chenal (Inrap, UMR 7044 Archimède)Mathilde Cervel (EPHE, UMR 8546 AOrOc)Valérie Delattre (Inrap, UMR 6298 ArTeHiS)Astrid A. Noterman (Université de Stockholm, UMR 7302 CESCM)Stéphane Rottier (Université de Bordeaux, UMR 5199 PACEA)
Reviewing committee : Frédéric Adam (Inrap, UMR 7044 Archimède)Hélène Barrand-Emam (Antea Archéologie, UMR 7044 Archimède)Vanessa Brunet (Éveha, UMR 6273 CRAHAM)Cécile Chapellain de Seréville-Niel (CNRS, UMR 6273 CRAHAM)Fanny Chenal (Inrap, UMR 7044 Archimède) Natacha Crépeau (Inrap, UMR 5199 PACEA)Valérie Delattre (Inrap, UMR 6298 ArTeHiS)Cyrille Le Forestier (Inrap, UMR 7268 Adès)Aurélie Mayer (Éveha)Astrid A. Noterman (Université de Stockholm, UMR 7302 CESCM)Stéphane Rottier (Université de Bordeaux, UMR 5199 PACEA)
Scientific and financial partners : Ministère de la Culture et de la CommunicationCESCM (UMR 7302)InrapUniversité de Stockholm
NB : Ouvrage conçu et réalisé par l'Association des Publications Chauvinoises - APC (apc@chauvigny-patrimoine.fr)
Number of pages : 380
ISBN / ISSN : 979-10-90534-56-8
To cite this document : Noterman A. A., Cervel M. 2020 : Noterman A. A., Cervel M., Ritualiser, Gérer, Piller : Rencontre autour des réouvertures de tombes et de la manipulation des ossements. Actes de la 9e Rencontre du Gaaf à Poitiers, UFR SHA/CESCM (10-12 mai 2017), Chauvigny : APC, mémoire LII, coll. « Publication du GAAF », 9.