Rencontre autour de nos aïeux (Our ancestors)
Increasingly, teams are called upon to work on very recent funerary occupations. However, archaeological studies of this chronological field are still marginal and, for some, useless, sometimes disturbing, even though history or sociology have largely nourished it for decades. The thirty contributions offer a multidisciplinary approach around 3 unifying themes bringing together historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, jurists, sociologists and psychoanalysts. It makes it possible to ask ethical and deontological questions and to question the guidelines to be given for taking into account these recent finded now integrated into the heritage field.
Published in : 2019
Directed by :
- Nicolas Weydert
- Stéfan Tzortzis
- Anne Richier
- Laetitia Lantéri
- Hervé Guy
Scientific committee : Yann ArdagnaPascal AdalianBruno BertheratRégis BertrandBruno BizotJean BoutierColette CastrucciJocelyne CayronPatrice GeorgesJean-Pierre GasnierHervé GuyLaetitia LantériPierre Le CozMarika MoisseeffGeneviève PerreardEmilie PortatAnnick RianiAnne RichierCatherine RigeadeAurore SchmittIngrid SénépartMichel SignoliStéfan TzortzisNicolas Weydert
Reviewing committee : Colette CastrucciHervé GuyLaetitia LanteriAnne RichierIngrid SénépartStéfan TzortzisNicolas Weydert
Scientific and financial partners : Ministère de la CultureDirection régionales des affaires culturelles Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur/Service régional de l'archéologie
Number of pages : 268
ISBN / ISSN : 978-2-9541526-5-3
To cite this document : Weydert et al. 2019: Weydert N., Tzortzis S., Richier A., Lanteri L., Guy H., Rencontre autour de nos aïeux, la mort de plus en plus proche. Actes de la 8e Rencontre du Gaaf à Marseille, Faculté de La Timone, Aix-Marseille Université (25, 26 et 27 mai 2016), Reugny : GAAF, coll. « Publication du GAAF », 8.