SSCIP conference programme (2024)
The scientific programme of the SSCIP (Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past) 2024 conference is now available.
This year’s conference will be held in Bordeaux and Pessac, from 20 to 23 November 2024.
The main aim of the 2024 SSCIP conference is to highlight the interdisciplinarity in the study of the developing human being through its various stages of life (in utero, childhood, adolescence), considering the multitude of factors that can influence it (e.g. cultural, biological, environmental), whether in normal or pathological contexts. The focus will be on methods (e.g. imaging techniques, genomics, proteomics, isotopes, AI), frames of reference (e.g. databases, identified skeleton collections, archives) and the contributions of past studies to the present, and vice versa.