Publication: Le petit mobilier dans les sépultures d’époque moderne

Article published on 29 June 2024 | Catégorie(s) : Publications

Publication of the proceedings of the round table organised by the PCR CimMoNE (Les cimetières modernes « hors les murs » dans le nord-est de la France) in Nancy in 2022, and edited by Carole Fossurier & Emilie Roux-Capron, with the collaboration of Myriam Dohr.

Pins, rings, rosaries, medals, nails and even books – all these objects can be found in modern-period burials. Their recovery and study frequently take the archaeologist beyond the clichés usually accepted for 16th-19th century funerary contexts.
With almost 2 000 objects inventoried, and over 250 of them detailed in catalogues, this publication sheds a new light on the instrumentum of the modern period.

The 16 papers in this book are organised around four themes: methodology, regional synthesis, case studies, and speciliased studies. The geographical area covered by the papers is France and the French oversears territories.

Title: Le petit mobilier dans les sépultures d’époque moderne

Editors: Carole Fossurier & Emilie Roux-Capron, with the collaboration of Myriam Dohr.

Publisher: Editions MERGOIL

Nb of pages: 218

ISBN / ISSN : 978-2-35518-143-6

Title : Le petit mobilier dans les sépultures d’époque moderne

Author(s) : Sous la direction de Carole Fossurier et Émilie Roux-Capron, avec la collaboration de Myriam Dohr

Editor : Editions MERGOIL

Number of pages : 218 p.

ISBN / ISSN : 978-2-35518-143-6

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