Doctoral position

Article published on 9 June 2022 | Catégorie(s) : Formations

As part of the plan for the humanities and social sciences (SHS), the Ministry of Higher Education and Research has granted Inrap the possibility of awarding two doctoral contracts for a period of three years from January 1, 2023.

These contracts must allow the realization of a doctoral thesis, carried out in collaboration with the doctoral school of a partner university, whose purpose is rescue archeology data.

One of these two contracts will be reserved for an Inrap agent (CDI) and will take the form of a three-year mission letter.

Application conditions

Candidates must hold a master’s degree obtained with honors.

The application email must be accompanied by a doctoral project of no more than 5 pages clearly highlighting issues related to rescue archeology and a letter from a research director (HDR) committing to supervise this doctoral work.

The file thus compiled must be sent to the scientific and technical director of Inrap, Marc Bouiron (, before Thursday June 23, 2022 at 4 p.m. (Paris time).

The selection procedure will be carried out by a jury chaired by the president of Inrap, Dominique Garcia, and made up of the vice-president of the CNRA (National Council for Archaeological Research), Anne Lehoërff, the scientific and technical director of the Inrap, Marc Bouiron and scientific personalities selected according to their respective areas of expertise.