Call for papers : XXIVe GMPCA Symposium
The 24th symposium of GMPCA (Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l’Archéologie) will take place from 17 – 21 April 2023.
The call for papers is open (until November 20, 2022)
Four themes will be developed during this conference:
Theme 1: Socio-economic trajectories and interactions
Theme 2: Socio-ecosystems: biodiversity, adaptations and trajectories
Theme 3: Methodological developments and innovations
Theme 4: Archaeology and archaeometry in times of crisis
A session on human and animal health, transmissions, interactions and care will be addressed. Reflections on human paleopathology and the transmission of pathogens between humans and animals but also on the contribution of archaeometry on this issue will be developed.
You can propose your subject by following the link available on the page.
Additional information
- Symposium program [pdf - 555.83 ko]