Call for Papers: Back(bone) to the Future, Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Climate Change and Climate Crisis
The Human Bioarchaeology Unit of the Division of Natural Sciences of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) is pleased to announce a free online conference about long-term perspectives on climate change and climate crisis, from the point of view of those who saw it happening in the past, and of those that see it happening today:
Bioarchaeological perspectives on climate change and climate crisis
December 2nd and 3rd, 2021 (14-19 CET)
The website will be updated regularly, including information regarding registration and abstract submission. Speaker slots are available for
all four sessions:
1) Threatened Bioarchives: Climate Change and (Bio)Cultural Heritage
2) From Climate Riders to Climate Refugees: Climate Change and Human
3) Under the Weather: Climate Change and Human Health
4) Rising Temperatures and Rising Tensions? Climate Change and Violence
If your research fits into one of these sessions (see the session
descriptions on the website) and you would like to present at the
conference, please get in contact:
Deadline for abstract submission is: November 21st, 2021