Death and Culture Conference : appel à com’ interdisciplinaire
Ruth Penfold-Mounce (Sociology) along with Jack Denham (Sociology), Julie Rugg (Social Policy) and Ben Poore (TFTV) are running a three day international conference at York on ‘Death and Culture’.
Call for Papers
How can we, as academics, understand cultural responses to mortality ?
Is every response to death – over time and over place – uniquely personal or essentially the same ?
This conference focusses on the impact of mortality on culture, and the ways in which the very fact of death has shaped human behaviour, evidenced through thought, action, production and expression. The conference seeks to re-engage with the study of mortality as an academic enterprise, supported by evidence and framed by theoretical engagement. No discipline is excluded and we are encouraging researchers including postgraduates to contribute who might not consider themselves death scholars, with work that overlaps with death and the dead.
We welcome contributions on topics such as but not limited to :
- Death, film and television
- Fame and death
- Historical death
- The dead in place and space
- Law, death and the dead
- Art and death
Abstracts should be sent with a 100 word biography to deathandculture2016@york.ac.uk by Friday 1st April 2016.
Dates : Du jeudi 01 septembre 2016 au samedi 03 septembre 2016
Lieu : University of York (UK) / department of Sociology